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Telling Time

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More Lessons for Grade 1
Common Core for Grade 1

Videos, stories and songs to help Grade 1 kids learn how to tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Common Core: 1.MD.3

Suggested Learning Target

  • I can identify a digital and an analog clock.
  • I can identify the hours and minutes on a digital and analog clock.
  • I can tell how many minutes are in an hour.
  • I can explain why 30 minutes is a half-hour.
  • I can look at the time on an analog clock (when the hour hand is points to 12 or 6), say what time it is, and write the time as it would appear on a digital clock.
  • I can look at the time on a digital clock (when the minutes is displayed as :00 or :30), say what time it is, and write the time as it would appear on an analog clock.
  • I can write the time and draw in the hands on an analog clock when someone tells me what time it is (when time is stated as "_ o'clock" or "_thirty" or "half past _).
  • I know how to match time on a digital clock with that on an analog clock

Telling Time to the Hour
How to tell time to the hour on an analog clock and a digital clock.
Telling Time to the Half Hour
How to tell time to the half hour on an analog clock and a digital clock.

What's the Time?
A song on how to tell time. Telling Time to the Hour on an analog clock. Telling Time to the Half Hour on an analog clock ("half past"). TickTock – Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days. TickTock – A.M. and P.M.

Magic English Tick Tock Time 1. Magic English Tick Tock Time 2. Magic English Tick Tock Time 3.

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