The following are worked solutions for the questions in the math sections of the SAT Practice Tests found in the The Official SAT Study Guide Second Edition.
It would be best that you go through the SAT practice test questions in the Study Guide first and then look at the worked solutions for the questions that you might need assistance in. Due to copyright issues, we are not able to reproduce the questions, but we hope that the worked solutions will be helpful.
1. Correct answer: (D)
3(n – 4) = 18
To find:
The value of n
Topic(s): Isolate variable
Isolate n
3(n – 4) =18 ⇒ n – 4 = 6 ⇒ n = 10
Answer: (D) 10
2. Correct answer: (D)
Senior chooses 4 types of stones and 3 types of metal
To find:
The number of combinations of a stone and a metal
Topic(s): Permutations
Since we are selecting from different groups, we can just multiply the numbers together.
4 × 3 = 12
Answer: (D) 12
3. Correct answer: (B)
The sum of 3a and the square root of b is equal to the square of the sum of a and b
To find:
The expression for the statement
Topic(s): Translating words to equations
Translate the words to symbols:
Answer: (B)
4. Correct answer: (E)
A cordless phone can operate within a range of 1000 feet from the telephone’s base
Kerry walks 800 feet due north. Then she walks due east until the maximum range of the receiver
To find:
The direction that Kerry can walk and still be in the receiver’s range
From the diagram, we can see that if Kerry wants to remain in range, he can walk either south or west but not north.
Answer: (E) II and III
5. Correct answer: (A)
x ≠ 0
To find:
The value of a
Topic(s): Cross-multiply
Answer: (A) 8
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