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High School Math based on the topics required for the Regents Exam conducted by NYSED. Understand and compare experimental and theoretical probability
The following figure compares experimental and theoretical probability. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.

Experimental and Theoretical Probability
This video defines and uses both experimental and theoretical probabilities.
1. A player hit the bull's eye on a circular dart board 8 times out of 50. Find the experimental probability that the player hits a bull's eye.
2. Find the theoretical probability of rolling a multiple of 3 with a number cube.
3. Brown is a dominant eye color for human beings. If a father and mother each carry a gene for brown eyes and a gene for blue eyes, what is the probability of their having a child with blue eyes?
Experimental and Theoretical Probability
Understand and compare experimental and theoretical probability
a) Find the theoretical probability of obtaining doubles when rolling two number cubes.
b) What is the experimental probability of roling doubles for 20 trials, when you get 3 doubles in the 20 trials?
Experimental Probability (Surveys)
Learn to find probability from experimental data from surveys
1. A reporter surveys 65 people to determine whether they plan to vote for or against a proposed amendment.
a) What is the experimental probability that the next person surveyed would say he or she plans to vote the amendment?
b) What is the experimental probability that the next person surveyed would say he or she plans to vote against the amendment?
2. The table shows the high temperature recorded on June 28 in Miami, Florida over an eight-year period. What is the experimental probability that the high temperature on June 28, 2008 will be below 90°C?
Finding Theoretical Probability
In this video, we will learn to find the theoretical probability, or chance, of an event occurring.
A. What is the theoretical probability that the spinner will land on 2?
B. What is the probability of randomly choosing a vowel from the letters A, B, C, D, and E?
C. Nine pieces of paper with the numbers 1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6, and 6 printed on them are placed in a bag. A student chooses one without looking. Compare the probability of choosing the number 1 with that of choosing the number 4.
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