Videos and solutions to help grade 6 students learn how to construct three-dimensional figures through the use of nets and how to determine which nets make solid figures and determine if nets can or cannot make a solid figure.
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New York State Common Core Math Grade 6, Module 5, Lesson 15
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Lesson 15 Student Outcomes
• Students construct three-dimensional figures through the use of nets. They determine which nets make
specific solid figures and determine if nets can or cannot make a solid figure.
Lesson 15 Problem Set
1. Match the following nets to the picture of its solid. Then, write the name of the solid.
2. Sketch a net that can fold into a cube.
3. Below are the nets for a variety of prisms and pyramids. Classify the solids as prisms or pyramids, and identify the shape of the base(s). Then, write the name of the solid.
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