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Printable worksheets to help students develop proper writing skills.
Tracing & Writing Lines
Tracing & Writing Shapes
Write Lower Case Letters
Write Upper Case Letters
Worksheets to help students hold a writing utensil with a tripod grip and draw shapes.
Free Printable Tracing Shapes worksheets
Cups, humps, zigzags, wavy lines, spirals, +, x, loops, canes and hooks.
Worksheets to help student practice tracing cups. Drawing cups will prepare students to write letters such as ‘u’ and
This worksheet shows some children jumping rope, but each child is missing his or her jump rope. Give each child a jump rope by drawing a cup, starting at the star.
Tracing Cups Worksheet #1
Tracing Cups Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing humps. Drawing humps will prepare students to write letters such as ‘h’, ‘m’, and ‘n’
This worksheet shows some camels, but each camel’s hump is missing. Complete each camel by drawing a hump, starting at the star.
Tracing Humps Worksheet #1
Tracing Humps Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing zigzags. Drawing zigzags will prepare students to write letters such as ‘w’, ‘z’, ‘N’, and ‘M’.
This worksheet shows four animals and four homes. Connect each animal to its home by drawing a zigzag, starting at the star.
Tracing Zigzags Worksheet #1
Tracing Zigzags Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing wavy lines. Students learn that a wavy line is made by alternating between cups and humps without picking up the crayon.
This worksheet shows four animals and four homes. Connect each animal to its home by drawing a wavy line, starting at the star.
Tracing Wavy Lines Worksheet #1
Tracing Wavy Lines Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing spirals. Students learn that a spiral starts out like a circle but then curls around outside, getting larger as it goes.
This worksheet shows some snails, and each snail is missing its shell. Give each snail a shell by drawing a spiral, starting at the star.
Worksheets to help student practice tracing + and x. Drawing +’s and x’s will prepare students to write ‘t’,‘x’ and other letters.
This worksheet shows some +’s and x’s. Trace each + and x.
Tracing +x Worksheet #1
Tracing +x Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing loops. Students learn that a loop is made by drawing a line that goes up, around, and down, crossing itself at the bottom.
This worksheet shows some bees, and each bee needs to get to its hive. Add a path for the bee by drawing a series of loops, starting at the star.
Worksheets to help student practice tracing canes. The cane shape is similar to the stroke used in the letter ‘f’.
Tracing Canes Worksheet #1
Tracing Canes Worksheet #2
Worksheets to help student practice tracing hooks. Drawing hooks will prepare students to write letters such as ‘g’, ‘j’, and ‘J’.
Tracing Canes Worksheet #1
Tracing Canes Worksheet #2
Worksheets to practice the above shapes.
Cups, humps, zigzags, wavy lines, spirals, +, x, loops, canes and hooks.
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #1
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #2
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #3
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #4
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #5
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #6
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #7
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #8
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #9
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #10
Tracing Shapes Worksheet #11
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