Translation Worksheets

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Printable “Transformation” worksheets:

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 7 and Grade 8 students perform translations of figures along a specific vector (using tracing paper). Label the image of the figure using appropriate notation. Learn that a translation maps lines to lines, rays to rays, segments to segments, and angles to angles. Learn that translations preserve lengths of segments and degrees of angles.

How to perform translations of figures?

Translating figures using transparencies (tracing paper) is a hands-on method that allows you to visualize and understand the concept of translation by physically moving a figure. This method is particularly useful in classroom settings or for learning purposes.


  1. Draw the Figure: On a piece of paper, draw the figure you want to translate.
  2. Place the Transparency: Place the transparency sheet over the figure.
  3. Trace the Figure: Trace the figure onto the transparency.
  4. Identify the Translation: Determine the direction and distance of the translation.
  5. Slide the Transparency: Slide the transparency according to the specified translation (left, right, up, down).
  6. Trace the New Figure: Trace the translated figure onto the paper below the transparency.

Translation occurs along a given vector:

  • A vector is a directed line segment, that is, it is a segment with a direction given by connecting one of its endpoint (called the initial point or starting point) to the other endpoint (called the terminal point or simply the endpoint). It is often represented as an “arrow” with a “tail” and a “tip.”
  • The length of a vector is, by definition, the length of its underlying segment.

A translation of a plane along a given vector is a basic rigid motion of a plane.
The three basic properties of translation are as follows:

  • A translation maps a line to a line, a ray to a ray, a segment to a segment, and an angle to an angle.
  • A translation preserves lengths of segments.
  • A translation preserves measures of angles.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to perform translation using tracing paper.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Translation Worksheets.

Translation Worksheet

More Translation Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Translation Worksheet #1
Translation Worksheet #2
Translation Worksheet #3

Translation Properties
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