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Plans and Worksheets for Grade 7
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Lessons for Grade 7
Common Core For Grade 7
Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 7 students learn how to
determine the possible outcomes for simple chance experiments.
New York State Common Core Math Grade 7, Module 5, Lesson 6
Worksheets for Grade 7
Lesson 6 Student Outcomes
• Given a description of a chance experiment that can be thought of as being performed in two or more stages,
students use tree diagrams to organize and represent the outcomes in the sample space.
Students calculate probabilities of compound events.
Lesson 6 Summary
Tree diagrams can be used to organize outcomes in the sample space for chance experiments that can be thought of
as being performed in multiple stages. Tree diagrams are also useful for computing probabilities of events with
more than one outcome.
Lesson 6 Classwork
Example 1: Two Nights of Games
Imagine that a family decides to play a game each night. They all agree to use a tetrahedral die (i.e., a four-sided
pyramidal die where each of four possible outcomes is equally likely—see image on page 9) each night to randomly
determine if they will play a board game ( ) or a card game ( ). The tree diagram mapping the possible overall outcomes
over two consecutive nights will be developed below.
To make a tree diagram, first present all possibilities for the first stage. (In this case, Monday.)
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