Related Topics:
Core (Statistics & Probability)
Common Core
for Mathematics
Examples, solutions, videos, and lessons to help High School students understand
statistics as a process for making inferences about population
parameters based on a random sample from that population.
Common Core: HSS-IC.A.1
Statistics in Schools - Why Statistics?
An interesting look at the importance of statistics. It uses
graphics, pictures and interesting stories to illustrate the
relevance of statistics and how many different things can be learned
about the nation and its communities through the study of
Answering the 3 Questions of Statistics Using a Picture
It uses graphics, pictures and interesting stories to illustrate the
use of a picture to help answer the three questions of statistics:
How big is it? What difference does it make? And, are you sure
that's not just dumb luck?
Statistics: Decisions Through Data: What Is Statistics
What is Statistics?
What is Statistics?
An introduction into basic statistical concepts.
Statistics: Population and Samples
What is sampling?
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