Need help on vectors?
Here is a collection of introductory lessons on vectors, equality of vectors, basic operations on vectors,
vector geometry, position vectors, etc., as well as more advanced lessons on vectors and
parametric equations, components of vectors, dot product of vectors, 3-dimensional vectors and more.
We also have a a vector calculator that can help you to find the length of vectors, add vectors, subtract vectors, multiply vectors, calculate cross product and dot product of vectors. Use it to check your answers!
A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction.
Problems involving velocities, displacements, forces and navigation are often made easier when vectors are used.
The topics covered in these introductory lessons on vectors are:
The following is a vector calculator that will help you to find the length of vectors, add vectors, subtract vectors, multiply vectors, calculate cross product and dot product of vectors.
MathsPro101 - Vectors Calculator | ||
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problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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