The Verb "Be"

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In these lessons, we will look at the present tense, past tense, future tense, present perfect tense, and past perfect tense of the verb be.

“Be” verbs are a crucial part of English grammar. They’re used in various ways, including linking the subject of a sentence to a description or state of being, and as auxiliary (helping) verbs to form other tenses.

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Forms of “Be”:
The verb “be” is irregular, meaning it doesn’t follow the standard “-ed” pattern for the different tenses.

The following table gives “be” verbs in different tenses: past, present, future, present perfect, and past perfect. Scroll down the page for more examples and explanations.

Be Verbs
  • “Be” is an irregular verb with many forms.
  • It’s used as a linking verb, an auxiliary verb in continuous tenses and the passive voice, and in imperatives.
  • Understanding “be” verbs is crucial for forming grammatically correct sentences in English.

Verb “Be” (present tense) – is, are, am

The words am, is and are form the present tense of the verb be.

We use am with the pronoun I, is with the pronouns he, she, it and are with the pronouns you, we and they.



I am

We are

You are

You are

He is

They are

She is


It is


I am busy.
He is a good swimmer.
She is a teacher.
It is very fierce.
You are early.
You are all welcome.
We are home.
They are good friends.

The following tables give the affirmative forms and negative forms of am, is and are and their corresponding contractions or short forms. Contractions are usually used in spoken English and are not recommended for formal written English.

Affirmative Forms


Contraction (Short Form)

I am


You are


She is


He is


It is


We are


They are


Negative Forms


Contraction (Short Form)

I am not

I’m not

You are not

You’re not / You aren’t

She is not

She’s not / She isn’t

He is not

He’s not / He isn’t

It is not

It’s not / It isn’t

We are not

We’re not / We aren’t

They are not

They’re not / They aren’t

Verb “Be” (past tense) – was, were

The words was and were form the past tense of the verb be.

Affirmative Forms



I was

We were

You were

You were

She was

They were

He was


It was


Negative Forms


Contraction (Short Form)

I was not

I wasn’t

You were not

You weren’t

She was not

She wasn’t

He was not

He wasn’t

It was not

It wasn’t

We were not

We weren’t

They were not

They weren’t

Verb “Be” (present perfect tense) – has been, have been

The words has been and have been form the present perfect tense of the verb be.



I have been

We have been

You have been

You have been

She has been

They have been

He has been


It has been


Verb Be in the present tense. Affirmative and negative forms.

This video shows the verb Be in the past tense. Affirmative and negative forms.

This video shows how to make yes-no questions and answers in the past tense using the verb be.

This video explains how to use the verb be in the present perfect tense.

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