The WH Sound

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Phonic Sounds
Other Consonant Sounds
English for Kids
Consonant Digraph

These lessons feature videos and songs to help First Grade kids learn how to pronounce and write the consonant digraph WH.
Learn words that begin with WH or has WH in the middle. Learn how to use the WH question words like who, when, what, which, where, and why.

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WH Words

  1. Introduce the “wh” Sound
    In most modern English accents, the letters “w” and “h” combine to make the /w/ sound, as in “what” or “where.” Since “wh” does not create a distinct sound, some literature may not considered it a digraph but rather just a spelling convention.

  2. Practice with some wh words.
    The following diagram shows some examples of words with wh. Scroll down the page for more examples and songs.

WH Words
  1. Writing Practice
    Sentence Writing: Have students write their own sentences or short stories using wh words.
    Word Tracing: For younger students, give them worksheets where they trace wh words to practice writing.

Practice writing wh words using this worksheet.
Write Wh words Worksheet

  1. Teach the Meaning Many “wh” words are question words (who, what, when, where, why), so they are highly functional. Help children connect these words to their meanings:
    Who: “Who is this?” (Point to a person)
    What: “What is this?” (Point to an object)
    Where: “Where is the cat?” (Look around)
    When: “When do we eat?” (Time-related)
    Why: “Why is it hot?” (Reason or cause)

Practice using the wh question words in sentences using these worksheets.
Match Wh words Worksheet

  1. Songs and Rhymes
    Wh Songs: Use songs or create simple rhymes that uses wh words.

Learn about “wh” words
A digraph is when two letter sounds or phonemes combine to make one sound or phoneme.
When the w sound combines with the h sound they create the unique sound of wh. Learn about the digraph wh as you listen to the wh sound in words that begin with the wh digraph.

wh - How to Read?
Learn the pronunciation and sound of consonant digraph - wh. Learn words that contain the digraph.

Phonics Video: The WH Sound
Consonant digraphs (also called letter digraphs) are 2 letters that make a new sound when they are put together.

Meet the Phonics Digraphs - wh
Two letters that come together to form a single sound are taught in school as “letter digraphs”

Phonics wh
Phonics reading book for children learning the ‘wh’ sound. What? When? Where?

  1. Learn other Consonant Digraphs.
Consonant Digraphs
CH Sound SH Sound Soft TH
WH WH Sound PH Sound
GH Sound NG Sound Consonant Digraphs

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