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Videos, worksheets, solutions and activities to help Algebra 1 students learn how to solve wind and current word problems.
Let’s explore some word problems involving wind (for airplanes) and currents (for boats). These problems often involve the concept of relative speed. The speed of the wind or current either adds to or subtracts from the object’s speed, depending on the direction.
General Concepts:
With the wind/current:
The wind/current increases the object’s speed.
Relative Speed = Object’s Speed + Wind/Current Speed
Against the wind/current:
The wind/current decreases the object’s speed.
Relative Speed = Object’s Speed - Wind/Current Speed
The following diagram gives the steps to solve a wind/current word problem.
Types of Distance Word Problems:
Travel in Same Direction
Travel in Opposite Directions
Round Trip Problems
Average Speed Problems
Wind/Current Problems
Printable & Online Algebra Worksheets
Rate of Wind Problem
Solves this rate of wind problem using 2 variables and 2 linear equations.
A plane flying against the wind flew 270 miles in 3 hours. Flying with the wind, the plane traveled 260 miles in 2 hours. Find the rate of the plane in calm air and the rate of the wind.
Rate of current problem
Shows how to solve a word problem involving the rate of a current and rowing in still water using 2 variables and 2 linear equations.
A dolphin swimming against an ocean current traveled 60 miles in 2 hours. It then turned around to swim with the current and was able to get back to its starting place in 1.5 hours. Find the speed of the dolphin in still water and the rate of the current.
Rate of current problem #3
Shows how to solve a word problem involving the rate of a current and rowing in still water using 2 variables and 2 linear equations.
A crew team rowed 18 miles in 2 hours, going with the current. Traveling against the current, it rowed 8 miles in the same amount of time. Find the rate of the crew in still water and the rate of the current.
Wind and Current Problems
How to solve wind and current word problems using 2 variables and a system of linear equations?
What happens to the rate when the wind is at your back?
What happens when you try to paddle a kayak upstream?
(1) A plane can fly 3750 km in 3 hours with the wind. The plane takes 5 hours to travel the same distance against the same wind speed. Find the rate of the plane in still air. Find the speed of the wind.
(2) Jim can row a boat 30 km downstream in 3 hours, but it takes him 5 hours to return. What is his rate in still water? What is the rate of the current?
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