Examples, solutions and videos to help Grade 5 students learn how to write and interpret numerical expressions and compare expressions using a visual model.
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Common Core For Grade 5
Common Core Standards: 5.OA.1, 5.OA.2, 5.NBT.5
New York State Common Core Math Grade 5, Module 2, Lesson 3.
Worksheets for Grade 5
The following figure shows how to convert between numerical expressions and word expressions. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Printable & Online Algebra Worksheets
Lesson 3 Concept Development
What is an expression?
An expression consists of numbers, symbols and operators grouped together that show the value of something.
Example: 2 × 3 is an expression.
Lesson 3 Problem Set
What is 3 times the sum of 26 and 4? Show a tape diagram and expression.
From word form to numerical expressions and diagrams.
Lesson 3 Concept Development
What expression describes the total value of these 3 equal units?
How about 3 times an unknown amount called A. Show a tape diagram and expression.
Problems 1–2: From word form to numerical expressions and diagrams.
Problem 4: From numerical expressions to word form.
Problem 7: Comparison of expressions in word form and numerical form.
Lesson 3 Problem Set
From word form to numerical expressions and diagrams.
Draw a model. Then write the numerical expressions.
a. The sum of 8 and 7, doubled
b. 4 times the sum of 14 and 26
c. 3 times the difference between 37.5 and 24.5 From numerical expressions to word form.
Write the numerical expressions in words.
a. 12 × (5 + 25)
b. (62 – 12) × 11
Comparison of expressions in word form and numerical form.
Lesson 3 Homework
This video demonstrates how to model numerical expressions utilizing tape diagrams. You will also learn how to compare and evaluate expressions.
Draw a model then write the numerical expressions.
a. The sum of 21 and 4, doubled
b. 5 times the sum of 7 and 23
Write the numerical expressions in words.
a. 10 × (2.5 + 13.5)
Compare the two expressions using >, <, or =. In the space beneath each pair of expressions, explain how you can compare without calculating. Draw a model if it helps you.
a. 93 × (40 + 2), (40 + 2) × 39
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