Writing Expressions Worksheet

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Printable β€œExpressions” Worksheets:
Distributive Property for Expressions
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Writing Expressions

Free printable and online worksheets to help Grade 6 students learn how to write expressions that require addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. Write expressions for phrases and word problems.

How to Write Algebraic Expressions?

Writing algebraic expressions involves translating verbal descriptions or real-world situations into mathematical language using variables, constants, and mathematical operations.

Here’s a guide on how to write various types of algebraic expressions:

Basic Algebraic Expressions
Sum of a Number and a Constant:
Example: The sum of a number π‘₯ and 7
Expression: π‘₯ + 7

Difference of a Number and a Constant:
Example: The difference between a number π‘₯ and 5.
Expression: π‘₯ βˆ’ 5

Product of a Number and a Constant:
Example: The product of a number π‘₯ and 4.
Expression: 4π‘₯

Quotient of a Number and a Constant:
Example: The quotient of a number π‘₯ and 3.
Expression: π‘₯ Γ· 3

Expressions with Multiple Operations
Sum of a Product and a Constant:
Example: 3 times a number π‘₯ plus 8.
Expression: 3π‘₯ + 8

Difference of a Product and a Constant:
Example: 5 times a number π‘₯ minus 2.
Expression: 5π‘₯ βˆ’ 2

Product of a Sum and a Constant:
Example: 2 times the sum of a number π‘₯ and 6.
Expression: 2(π‘₯ + 6)

Sum of Two Products:
Example: The sum of 4 times a number π‘₯ and 5 times a number 𝑦.
Expression: 4π‘₯ + 5𝑦

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to write algebraic expressions.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Writing Expressions Worksheets.

Writing Expressions Worksheet

More Writing Expressions Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #1 (add, subtract)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #2 (add, subtract)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #3 (include multiply)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #4 (include multiply)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #5 (include divide)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #6 (include divide)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #7 (mixed operations)
Writing Expressions Worksheet #8 (mixed operations)

Writing Expressions

More Printable Worksheets

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