Singapore Math

Looking for Singapore Math help?
We have a collection of video lessons, examples and solutions, activities and worksheets that are based on Singapore Math or Maths.

Related Pages
Word Problems Solved The Singapore Math Way
2-Step Word Problems And Bar Models
Singapore Mental Math Strategies
Math Games
Math Worksheets

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We will look at:

  1. What is Singapore Math or Maths?
  2. Using Singapore Math to solve word problems.
  3. Singapore Math from Grade 1 to Grade 6 (Videos and Worksheets).
Singapore Math
What is Singapore Math? How to use Model Drawing? Word Problems
Word Problems by Topics Word Problems by Grades Worksheets for Primary 1
Worksheets for Primary 2 Worksheets for Primary 3 Worksheets for Primary 4

What Is Singapore Math?

Introduction to Singapore Math Part 1.
What are the benefits and strategies of Singapore Math?
What are number bonds?

How To Use Model Drawing?

Introduction to Singapore Math Part 2.

(1) Carla and Jerome kept track of the miles they ran over the weekend. Carla ran three times as far as Jerome. If Carla ran 6 miles, how far did Jerome run?

(2) Mrs. Walsh made 300 cookies. She sold 3/4 of them and gave 1/3 of the remainder to her neighbor. How many cookies were left?

Helping Parents Explain Singapore Math - Word Problems 1

Demo for parents and educators on how to use “thinking blocks” (block diagrams) to help even young children - 1st grade, 2nd grade - understand, model and solve word problems.

(1) David has 45 marbles. His sister gave him 32 more. How many marbles does he have altogether?

(2) Caleb wants to buy a scooter that costs $63. He saved $38 so far. How much more money does Caleb need?

Helping Parents Explain Singapore Math - Word Problems 2

Part 2: 2-Step Word Problems.

(1) Anna is riding in a bike-a-thon. She rode 49 miles in the morning, stopped for a lunch break, then rode another 37 miles in the afternoon. Anna was then only 62 miles from the finish line. How long was Anna’s bike ride?

(2) Kierka bought a juice for 55 cents, a breakfast bar for 27 cents and a package of gum. She spent $1.22 altogether. How much did the package of gum cost?

Solve Word Problems Using Singapore Math: By Topics

These lessons and videos show how to use the block models (tape diagrams or bar models) in the Singapore Math method of solving word problems. The blocks can assist the students in visualizing, modeling and solving the word problems without using algebra.

Solve Word Problems Using Singapore Math: By Grades

Worksheets And Questions For Grade 1 Singapore Math (Primary 1)

Worksheets & Questions For Grade 2 Singapore Math (Primary 2)

Worksheets & Questions For Grade 3 Singapore Math (Primary 3)

Worksheets & Questions For Grade 4 Singapore Math (Primary 4)

Worksheets & Questions For Grade 5 Singapore Math (Primary 5)

Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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