Statistics Lectures - 11: Law Of Large Numbers & Binomial Distribution

A series of free Statistics Lectures with lessons, examples & solutions in videos.

This is the eleventh page of the series of free video lessons, “Statistics Lectures”. These lectures introduce the law of large numbers and discuss the binomial distribution.

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Statistics - Lecture 31: The Law Of Large Numbers

As a probability experiment is performed many times, the observed value (mean) will arrive at the expected value (mean).

Statistics - Lecture 32: Binomial Distribution

An experiment is a binomial experiment if:

  1. It is repeated a fixed number of times.
  2. The trials are independent.
  3. Trials have two mutually exclusive outcomes, either success or failure.
  4. The probability of success is the same for all trials.

Statistics - Lecture 33: Mean And Standard Deviation Of Binomial Random Variables

In a recent survey, it was found that 85% of households in the United States have High-speed Internet. If you take a sample of 18 households, what is the probability that exactly 15 will have High-Speed Internet?

Statistics Lecture Series - Table Of Contents

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