A fraction describes a part of a whole. Fractions appear a lot in everyday
life. This lesson will help you understand how to talk about them, how to
perform computations with them, how to express them as decimals, and how to
distinguish different types of fractions.
A fraction is made up of the denominator
and the numerator. The number on the bottom of the fraction is called the
denominator, and it indicates how many equal parts the whole is divided into.
The number on the top of the fraction is called the numerator, and it indicates
how many of the parts we have.
The following video presents an introduction to fractions.
A rational number is a number that can be represented by a fraction whose numerator and denominator are both integers (and the denominator must not be zero), for example:
Since all integers can be written as fractions, so all integers are also rational numbers, for example:
Some rational numbers may not be so obvious, for examples:
0.25 is rational because 0.25 = is rational because = is rational because = 2
However, is not rational.
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